Sunday, November 14, 2021

cause/ effect essay write by Moustapha


Natural Disaster

I used to live with my family in a small village in Togo. My father was a farmer and worked as a welder too. He used to pay my tuition from the benefits he gains from these jobs. The entire family depended on him. In fact, all villagers were farmers, and only few were merchants. The life was so easy because it was possible to find everything and there was nothing to be afraid of. After some years, the village started noticing some changes in climate, on example; the delay of the raining season. People in the village thought that everything came from God because of the superstitions and the lack of information about what to do avoid climate change. Unfortunately, the entire village unprepared, and it was hit by a tornado that affected my family economically. It also caused health problems in the village and destroyed most crops and houses.

 Village Farming | The Contrary Farmer

            The tornado affected my family economically. My father’s shop was destroyed and all his equipment was damaged. Therefore, he couldn’t work and earn money for the family needs. The life became very difficult for my parent and sibling because we were skipping meals. For that reason, my father left us to another town in order to get a job. Moreover, my mother’s shop was also destroyed. In order to feed us, she had to beg for food from the neighboring village. Even though in my village the policy was that only man must take care all the family needs, my mother never gave up helping my father. Moreover, my siblings were not able to graduate from high school.

Ida tears path of destruction through Maryland; major damage in Annapolis |  WBFF

Moreover, tornado caused serious health problems. When the Tornado started it was difficult to find somewhere to hide because my village wasn’t informed about it and Tornado occurred rarely in my country. Therefore, people prepared for this disaster and couldn’t protect themselves. There were so many peoples who were injured and died because of the flying and falling wreckage. In the other hand, the effects of the tornado caused the spread of many strong diseases like cholera because people were drinking dirty water since there was no potable water. in addition, the absence of trees brought more heat and people were getting the fever because of the high temperature of the sun.

       Furthermore, tornado destroyed most crops and houses. Over eighty percent of the houses where damaged. Some houses’ roofs were blown and some were flooded. Peoples became homeless and were slept under plastic covers while waiting for help from the government. Outside furniture of my family house was carried away by the wind, and the landscaping around the house was destroyed. The consequences of tornado were so harsh and the village never expected that. Many cars were also damaged. Moreover, thousands of crops were devastated, hundreds of houses were badly damaged and ten of thousands of trees fell by the winds.   

North Dakota tornado destroyed homes of people drawn to oil fields for work  | Duluth News Tribune

    In conclusion, the hit of the tornado had made my village realize that natural disasters can occur everywhere in this world.  Tornado have wrapped everything in the way. Therefore, people were depressed, some having trouble sleeping, and intense stress. In the future the government of Togo should have a tornado warning instrument is very important in a community.  It’s also important to build houses with strong foundation with basement.





1 comment:

  1. Hello Moustapha,
    unfortunately this is common in Africa. I hope African countries' governments will handle this problem carefully one day!


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