Thursday, September 16, 2021

essay my name from Moustapha Tchadjobo


The Chosen One

My name is Moustapha, and it’s a Muslim name. In the religion Muslim, every name people give to their kids must be a name from Koran (the Muslim sacred book), and that name hopefully reflects what the child will be in their life.

 I believe that the name my parents gave me will help me progress in my life. They gave me Moustapha as a name because they got it from my grandfather, who was an honest man and a good person. He always worked hard to achieve his dream, regardless of any obstacle. Therefore, my parents decided to give me the same name because they wanted me to be like him. In addition, my name is very important to me, but when people say my name right or wrong, I don’t feel strange because, for me, it doesn’t really affect me when they say it incorrectly. Moreover, I feel stronger and happier when people ask me about the meaning of my name because the meaning of my name, which is "the chosen one", makes me feel powerful. The chosen one means the person God chose to save and help people.

I’m so grateful to my parents for giving me this name because I feel safe with that name and it has given me a lot of chances in my life.



  1. Hello Moustapha,
    what kind of impact do your name have on your personality?

  2. Hey Moustapha,
    In Iran I had a friend his name was Moustapha too, your name remind me of him.

  3. Hi Morstapha,
    A good name symbols a good life!


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