Sunday, October 24, 2021

Moustapha Tchadjobo ESL 100 ESSAY



The Happiness

Tabaski is the most wonderful holiday of the year. It’s a special holiday that all Muslims enjoy with their family and friends because it’s the time when many people buy cows and goats. Those animals are use to make sacrifices to God and pray for a long life. During the holiday, I always had a good time with my family and friends until the day I was given the opportunity to become a US citizen. I was so excited about traveling to the U.S. because I thought things would be better there. However, life became different when I moved to the U.S because I have lost the joy that I used to have in Togo. Due to this transition, I have lost the ambiance of preparation before Eid, the happiness people have on the day of Tabaski, and the fun I always had after that day.

Weeks before Eid, there were wonderful vibes all around my hometown. Everyone focused on the preparation, children were so excited because Tabaski day is a special day. Everyone would forgot all their problems and enjoyed the moment. During the preparation, I was also excited about making new clothes, buying new shoes, and cutting my hair. Everywhere I passed, there was the sound of happiness because it’s the most important holiday for Muslims. However, since I immigrated to the U.S, things have changed. I have lost that happiness and the feeling I used to have before  Eid. In addition, when the days of Eid was approaching, I always called my family to see how they were preparing for the holiday. That call always finished with tears in my eyes because I was sad and lonely. Moreover, it seems as if I had culture shocked because everything was quiet around Chicago. Muslims know that they will go back to work after Eid. In addition, in Togo, when Eid is three days away, children do not go to sleep early because they are busy playing small games and making noise by singing songs.

Furthermore, in Togo, people enjoy the day of Eid, and everyone is happy. Around seven in the morning, I used to go to my friends’ house to have a beautiful breakfast with all their family.  After the breakfast, we played some music and dance even though I knew the time to go to the mosque was around nine. That little time my friends and I just spent together gave us a good smile. In addition, I have lose the vibe before prayer because I don’t really have Muslin friends in the U.S. Around nine, Muslims go to the biggest mosque in town for prayers in order to thank God for giving them the chance to make it until Eid. In  the US, I miss seeing many people heading to the mosque the day of Eid. I feel discouraged because I am reminded that I am away from home. After the prayer, people take photos with their friends, family, enjoy foods and drinks in my hometown. However, in U.S I have lost that vibe because after the prayer, everyone is busy with their lives or heading to work.

Beside the day of Eid, people in my hometown enjoyed themselves and have fun. They organize games, dance challenges, and other traditional activities. Those games make the activities more enjoyable and interesting. The traditional dance with knives and sticks is popular. Moreover, I stopped enjoying these games in U.S since they are not allowed, and that makes the holiday very quiet. Some people make it to night clubs. Others attend more traditional dance parties in my hometown. Those parties are the one people enjoy the most after the Eid day.

In sum, since I left Togo and moved to U.S, I have forgotten how to enjoy the holidays and I have been depressed. Celebrating holidays in the U.S is quite boring because I do not really feel like myself. I have realized that celebrating holiday in my hometown is more fun and I will make sure to travel back to my country every time the holiday come.  In that way, I will be able to enjoy more the holidays with my family and friends.


  1. Your story is interesting. I can see you really really missed the holidays vibes, but especially your family. I am in another case in the same situations as you. I also miss my family a lot, and the daily lifestyle that I used to have. In any case, with time, we will learn to be comfortable with our new lifestyle.
    In fact, are you planning to travel every year to your country for the Eid?

  2. The Eid holiday, it seems like Chinese New Year. On Chinese New Year, we barely do anything, we just enjoy it. We cook good food and play Mahjong!
    Since you miss Eid in your country, will you travel back to celebrate Eid?

  3. I like your essay. I can see how you enjoyed Eid from this essay.

  4. Hey Mostapha I celebrate the same holiday as you. I really cannot enjoy it here as I do back home in Jordan. Eid is really fun and happy especially when you are around ur family.


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