Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Beauty of My Name

             My name is Ky My Vu, and I got this name from my father. A week after I was born, I still didn’t have a name yet because my family are still thinking about what it should be. Then, my father found a very famous and pretty actress, who is rich and has a very happy life. Base on that, my name means a mysterious beauty. “My” is my middle name and in Vietnamese it means beautiful. “Ky” is the first name, and it means mysterious and serious. Sometimes, people will think the different meaning of my name is a flag, like a country’s flag because “Ky” in Vietnamese also means “flag”. In this case, a lot of people think “My Ky” means the pretty flag flying in the wind. However, I love the meaning of mysterious beauty moreThere are many different moments that my name has brought out for fun things. For example, in English, my name sounds like  Mickey Mouse. At the point with the similar sound, people start to call my name Mickey mouse, it makes me feel funny. Therefore, I changed my name to “Lyn” in English to make it easy for everyone.  

I love my name because it is unique. I have never found anyone that has a similar name to me. If I have children one day, I will name them after my name.  

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