Friday, September 17, 2021

Call Me Avalanche

Bahman Razani

Michal Eskayo

September 5, 2021

Call me Avalanche 

    My name is Bahman, and I’m from Iran, In Iran people speak different languages like Turkish, Gilaky, Lori, Laki, Kordi and other languages, but the main language in Iran is Farsi. In our culture, choosing a baby’s name is a big decision and most of the time the oldest person of the family chooses the name.

My grandmother picked my name. I never had that chance to ask her why she picked the name Bahman for me because when I was a kid she passed away. However, I remember she really loved me more than her other grandchildren. When I became a teenager, I always asked my parents why they let my grandmother choose my name and why she chose this name? They always had only one answer, which was “respect”. To be honest, at that time I really didn’t like my name and  I was trying to change my name but I couldn’t because in Iran it’s so difficult to change one’s name. Now I’m so glad it didn’t happen because I truly love my name more than other names because of the meanings.

    Bahman in Farsi has many different meanings. In the Persian calendar, the second month of the winter season is called Bahman, and also during this season in most parts of my country there is a lot of snow. When snow gets heavy on top of the mountains, an avalanche happens. Also in Farsi this anger of nature is called Bahman.

    Avalanche is the coolest meaning of my name. When someone calls me Bahman, I feel great because Bahman reminds me of where I come from, who I am, and the person who picked my name. It also reminds me that I can be strong like my name in real life to achieve my goals. So please call me Avalanche.

1 comment:

  Bahman Razani ESL 100 October 9, 2021 Finding Hope in a Tragedy      Iran  was the best and the most advanced country in the Middle East u...