Friday, September 17, 2021

My name is Shuyu Wu


Shuyu Wu



                                                                     The Best Name

       My name is Shuyu Wu,‘书宇’. When I asked my parents the meaning of my name, they told me it meant that I would be a great person in the world because in the Chinese language shu means book, and yu means universe. So, they combined them together with the meaning that I would read many books, and write many papers. Then I would be a knowledgeable person like the universe. I was astounded by it. Interestingly, I didn’t read many books, or write many papers in the past. I like my name, but it is so hard to be a knowledgeable person because I can’t write so many papers, and read so many books. On the other hand, because I am the youngest son in my family, my name must be after my sister’s name. My sister’s name is shuxin. Xin in Chinese language means star. My parents believe that stars are always before everything and everyone to light up the path ahead. I like the sound of my name because it makes me feel comfortable. Therefore, my name would not make me a great person, but it is the best name for me because it gives me a good feeling. It gives me a special connection with my family because my sister’s name has a similar meaning as mine.



  1. Hey Shuyu Wu,
    One day you read so many books and wrote thousands of papers like your name.

  2. I believe that you will be like your name in one day. Yeah!


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