Sunday, September 26, 2021

My name

 Mays Almoghrabi 

September 13,2021



My name was given to me by my paternal grandmother. She used to go to a family doctor whose first name was Mays, and she really loved her. My grandmother thought if I had her name, I would have the same personality as her. I love my name because it makes me feel special and unique. My name means to be proud of yourself and strength. My name is very easy to pronounce, and I like that as well.

In the United States, American people think it means the month of May, which is not true, and that makes me angry sometimes. My name has different meanings in every language. For example, in Spanish Mais means corn, it sounds the same, but it spells differently. I just realized that when I came to the United States and met new people from Mexico. My sister wanted to give me the name “Amar,” which means Moon in Arabic. I am glad that my parents chose Mays. Even though the other name, 'Amar’ has a beautiful meaning, many people would make fun of it and bully me because of the name Amar. The name ‘Amar’ represents a girl who is cute and quiet a girl that anyone can take advantage of.

Now that I am an adult, I feel like Mays fits my personality better. I am not that cute, quiet girl that anyone can take advantage of. The meaning of my name Mays, strength, and being proud, represents the person I have become today. 

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Friday, September 17, 2021

My name is Shuyu Wu


Shuyu Wu



                                                                     The Best Name

       My name is Shuyu Wu,‘书宇’. When I asked my parents the meaning of my name, they told me it meant that I would be a great person in the world because in the Chinese language shu means book, and yu means universe. So, they combined them together with the meaning that I would read many books, and write many papers. Then I would be a knowledgeable person like the universe. I was astounded by it. Interestingly, I didn’t read many books, or write many papers in the past. I like my name, but it is so hard to be a knowledgeable person because I can’t write so many papers, and read so many books. On the other hand, because I am the youngest son in my family, my name must be after my sister’s name. My sister’s name is shuxin. Xin in Chinese language means star. My parents believe that stars are always before everything and everyone to light up the path ahead. I like the sound of my name because it makes me feel comfortable. Therefore, my name would not make me a great person, but it is the best name for me because it gives me a good feeling. It gives me a special connection with my family because my sister’s name has a similar meaning as mine.


Call Me Avalanche

Bahman Razani

Michal Eskayo

September 5, 2021

Call me Avalanche 

    My name is Bahman, and I’m from Iran, In Iran people speak different languages like Turkish, Gilaky, Lori, Laki, Kordi and other languages, but the main language in Iran is Farsi. In our culture, choosing a baby’s name is a big decision and most of the time the oldest person of the family chooses the name.

My grandmother picked my name. I never had that chance to ask her why she picked the name Bahman for me because when I was a kid she passed away. However, I remember she really loved me more than her other grandchildren. When I became a teenager, I always asked my parents why they let my grandmother choose my name and why she chose this name? They always had only one answer, which was “respect”. To be honest, at that time I really didn’t like my name and  I was trying to change my name but I couldn’t because in Iran it’s so difficult to change one’s name. Now I’m so glad it didn’t happen because I truly love my name more than other names because of the meanings.

    Bahman in Farsi has many different meanings. In the Persian calendar, the second month of the winter season is called Bahman, and also during this season in most parts of my country there is a lot of snow. When snow gets heavy on top of the mountains, an avalanche happens. Also in Farsi this anger of nature is called Bahman.

    Avalanche is the coolest meaning of my name. When someone calls me Bahman, I feel great because Bahman reminds me of where I come from, who I am, and the person who picked my name. It also reminds me that I can be strong like my name in real life to achieve my goals. So please call me Avalanche.

Essay: My Name

An American Hero in Japan

    My name is Atticus. My American father named me. My name was named after an American hero “Atticus Finch”, which is the hero of a book “To Kill a Mockingbird”. My father loves the book and the film, and he wanted me to be a kind person like Atticus Finch, so that is the reason my name is Atticus.

    When I was a child, I didn’t like my name, because most names that Japanese people have are not exotic like mine. Being foreign name in Japan is a little weird. In school or other places, I was the only one person that have an exotic name. I felt I was different from the other people.

    But as I grew up, I began to prefer my name. The name sounds so cool and so unique. And the origin is cool too. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book, and Atticus Finch is such a great person, so I’m proud of being named after him. I want to thank my father for naming me Atticus, because now I love it.

    By the way, I have not read the book or watched the film yet. Someday I will watch both of them.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

essay my name from Moustapha Tchadjobo


The Chosen One

My name is Moustapha, and it’s a Muslim name. In the religion Muslim, every name people give to their kids must be a name from Koran (the Muslim sacred book), and that name hopefully reflects what the child will be in their life.

 I believe that the name my parents gave me will help me progress in my life. They gave me Moustapha as a name because they got it from my grandfather, who was an honest man and a good person. He always worked hard to achieve his dream, regardless of any obstacle. Therefore, my parents decided to give me the same name because they wanted me to be like him. In addition, my name is very important to me, but when people say my name right or wrong, I don’t feel strange because, for me, it doesn’t really affect me when they say it incorrectly. Moreover, I feel stronger and happier when people ask me about the meaning of my name because the meaning of my name, which is "the chosen one", makes me feel powerful. The chosen one means the person God chose to save and help people.

I’m so grateful to my parents for giving me this name because I feel safe with that name and it has given me a lot of chances in my life.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 Harold Washington 

SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 

Yaboh Donaldia Emmanuella KOUMASSOU 

ESL 100CE 


African Names 


My name is Yaboh. I am from. Benin, West Africa. It is a little country between Togo and Nigeria, that I like a lot. Yaboh means strength in general, but in my language Fon, it means "born after grandpa died ." I like my name, but I would prefer my first name to be my middle name. My family gave me that name so there is no choice for me to hate it because I love my family. 

My middle name is Donaldia, and it means heart. I love that name so much and I would like it if that was placed as my first name. I think this name fits me well. My mother told me that she insisted on giving me that name. I was born on July 15, and she insisted on keeping the name that is in the calendar. I am so happy that she did because I love it. That is the name I want everybody to call me, even though I like my first name.  

In fact, I have another name, like another middle name. It is Emmanuella and that is the name my parents agreed together of giving to me. It means "God is with us." I love that name too. My Mum said that when she proposed that name to my dad, he was like, it is perfect, let us keep it. Sometimes, I think they chose that name in one conversation because God was concerned.   

All my family calls me "Ella" because of my second middle name, Emmanuella. African parents like to reduce their children's names. I am fine with that nickname, but I just want them to call my full name, Emmanuella.   

Here in U.S., my names sound different when people say it, but I think it is not that difficult to pronounce. In any case, I love all my names.  

  Bahman Razani ESL 100 October 9, 2021 Finding Hope in a Tragedy      Iran  was the best and the most advanced country in the Middle East u...